[時事英文] 新冠病毒將如何改變教育?
How will the coronavirus change education?
No one knows for sure, but some schools have begun switching entirely to online programs. Just yesterday, Stanford University announced that it will move all of its classes online.
The coronavirus has forced at least nine countries, as well as countless provinces, cities and towns, to close schools in an effort to contain the outbreak’s spread. Hundreds of millions of students around the globe are now out of school in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Japan, France, Pakistan and elsewhere.
1. in an effort to 致力於
2. contain the outbreak’s spread 控制疫情的傳播
It is a grand social experiment with little parallel in the modern era of education. Schools and the school day help provide the structure and support for families, communities and entire economies. And the effect of closing them for weeks and sometimes months en masse could have untold repercussions for children and society at large, transcending geographies and class.
3. a grand social experiment 這是一場宏大的社會實驗
4. with little parallel 幾乎沒有同情況發生過
5. the modern era of education 現代教育領域
6. en mass 一起,全體
7. have untold repercussion 無法估量的影響
8. at large 普遍地,全體地
9. transcend 超越,超過,超出(尤指界限)
Older students have missed crucial study sessions for college admissions exams, while younger ones have risked falling behind on core subjects like reading and math. Parents have scrambled to find child care or to work from home. Families have moved children to new schools in areas unaffected by the coronavirus, and lost milestones like graduation ceremonies or last days of school.
10. crucial study session 重要學習環節
11. college admission exam 大學入學考試
12. scramble to find 爭先恐後地尋找
13. milestones 里程碑
All of this is compounded for families who do not have the financial means or professional flexibility, forcing parents such as Ms. Gao to take unpaid leave, or leaving students indefinitely without an educational backstop.
14. compound (v) 使加重,使加劇,使惡化
15. financial means 經濟能力
16. an educational backstop 教育支持
Governments are trying to help. Japan is offering subsidies to companies to help offset the cost of parents taking time off work. France has promised 14 days of paid sick leave to parents of children who must self-isolate, if they have no choice but to watch their children themselves.
17. offer subsidy 提供補助
18. offset the cost 抵銷成本
19. paid sick leave 帶薪病假
20. self-isolate 自我隔離
21. no choice but to... 別無選擇只能...
But the burdens are widespread, touching corners of society seemingly unconnected to education. In Japan, schools have canceled bulk food delivery orders for lunches they will no longer serve, affecting farmers and suppliers. In Hong Kong, an army of domestic helpers have been left unemployed after wealthy families enrolled their children in schools overseas.
22. touch every corner of society 觸及社會的各個角落
23. seemingly unconnected 看似無關的
24. cancel bulk food delivery order 取消批量食物配送的訂單
25. no longer serve 不再供應
26. domestic helper 家庭幫傭
School and government officials are doing their best to keep children learning — and occupied — at home. The Italian government created a dedicated webpage to give teachers access to videoconference tools and ready-made lesson plans. Almost two dozen Mongolian television stations are airing classes. Iran’s government has worked with internet content providers, such as Iran’s version of Netflix, to make all children’s content free.
27. give access to 有管道可以
28. videoconference tools 影片會議工具
29. ready-made lesson plans 現成的教案
30. air (v.) classes 播出課程
31. internet content providers 互聯網內容提供商
Even physical education takes place: At least one school in Hong Kong requires students — in their gym uniforms — to follow along as an instructor demonstrates push-ups onscreen, with the students’ webcams on for proof.
32. physical education 體育(課)
33. follow along 跟著做
The offline reality of online learning, though, is challenging. There are technological hurdles, as well as the unavoidable distractions that pop up when children and teenagers are left to their own devices — literally.
34. technological hurdles 技術上的障礙
35. unavoidable distractions 不可避免的令人分神的事物
36. leave sb to their own devices 讓(某人)自行決定
37. literally 字面意思上的
The new classroom at home poses greater problems for younger students, and their older caregivers. Ruby Tan, a primary school teacher in Chongqing, a city in southwestern China that suspended schools last month, said many grandparents were helping with child care so that the parents can go to work. But the grandparents do not always know how to use the necessary technology.
38. pose greater problems 造成更大的麻煩
39. caregivers看護者,護理員
家庭教室給年幼的學生和照顧他們的長輩帶來了更大的麻煩。上個月,中國西南部城市重慶一所停課小學的老師露比·譚(Ruby Tan)說,很多家庭是祖父母幫忙照顧孩子,讓父母去上班。但祖父母並不總是知道如何使用必要的技術。
Entire industries and businesses that rely on the rituals of students going to school and parents going to work are also being shaken. School administrators in Japan, caught off guard by the abrupt decision to close schools, have rushed to cancel orders for cafeteria lunches, stranding food suppliers with piles of unwanted groceries and temporarily unneeded employees.
40. rely on 依賴
41. be shaken 陷入恐慌
42. be caught off guard 使(某人)措手不及;趁(某人)不警惕時(做某事)
43. an abrupt decision 突然的決定
44. rush to 倉促去
45. strand 擱淺;處於困境
To blunt the economic effects of the coronavirus, Japan’s government is offering financial help to parents, small businesses and health care providers. But school lunch officials said they had not heard about compensation for their workers.
46. blunt (v.) economic effects 削弱經濟影響
47. offer financial help 提供財政協助
48. small business owners 小型企業主
49. health care providers 健保提供者
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/2uZAowG
史丹佛大學改採線上授課: http://bit.ly/3cIaAGk
圖片來源: https://econ.st/2Iui1mO
保健心智圖: https://goo.gl/seqt5k
保健相關單字: https://wp.me/p44l9b-Tt (+mp3)
時事英文大全: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428的網紅學英文吧,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「我下午休假哦」 英文怎麼說? 快要九月了,你今年的特休用完了嗎? 那 "特休”、"病假“ 、"事假“ 的英文怎麼說? 還有美國人在公司要休假會說的縮寫 PTO,是什麼意思呢? 這一集的文化閒聊, Duncan 跟我們聊美國的休假文化,結果我們發現, 美國的法定特休居然是 xx 天~跟我們原本想的不...
paid leave意思 在 FAKE 文青 Facebook 的最佳解答
《你快樂過生活 我拼命去生存》
話說某逼科annual dinner,邀請了某位歌手,唱「高山低谷」,對audit 界是多麼的諷刺🙄 IRONIC
「你快樂過生活 我拼命去生存
你界定了生活 我侮辱了生存
「我拼命去生存😔」,先不要話peak session 時OT到凌晨,當你以為3月底會完peak,但原來peak session 一直都在,因為完成了12 月year ended audit,緊接着的是3月year ended audit。之後就是interim,再pre-final, 再其他job interim, 然後又是peak session 的開始,不幸的還有中IPO 的可能。你幻想中美好的slack session,原來一直都不存在。
更不要說日日OT,但沒有OT paid ,亦沒有OT leave。你每日在OT,只為了一句no error noted,那你究竟是為了什麼呢?其實client怎樣的financial statement and annual report真的與你並不相干,client financial statement 有無一個clean opinion,你還不是取一樣的人工,你不會因為它取得一個qualified opinion 而扣人工,正正因為這樣,你更不明白為何你每日都要OT。
Audit 界的文化是瘋狂OT,沒有OT,是因為你lazy,你無責任感,但你更不明白,如果工作都唔urgent,為何要浪費時間OT呢?有些同事只要6點至7點走,會有罪惡感,但你不明白罪惡感是何來,在放工時間走有什麼問題。我走,因為每個人的working style 都不一樣,不代表我就沒事做。
同事:「我今日又玩到睇日出,真係好wok ar」
你:「你覺得wok 咪早啲瞓」
之後你補了一句:「你玩通頂,但back after lunch,有咩意思?」
但你總是不明白一間公司究竟怎樣幫同事洗腦,可以洗腦到他們會自我感覺良好,會以OT 為榮呢?究竟一間公司對你的改變有多大?究竟audit 界吃人的文化,連你的思想都改造了,有幾咁恐怖。OT是不應該的,OT是無奈的,OT絕對沒有什麼是值得你驕傲的。當你小朋友的時候OT太多,你就慢慢由有一個受害者,變為一個加害者,到你有機會in charge job 時,你的字典入面亦只有OT兩個英文字,你的下屬亦只有瘋狂OT這一途。當你以前總是討厭着你SIC (senior in charge),將你的肉體永遠留在公司,到你變成SIC時,你亦變成一個你以前最討厭的人。
這裡亦暫時不說這裡的人事關係有多複雜,亦暫時不說你SIC book 你落job,是因為需要而不是喜歡。他需要你幫手,並不是因為鍾意你,如果你以為他鍾意你,所以book 你,又真是太天真的了。
「你快樂過生活 我拼命去生存😔......」
IG: fakemanching1607
paid leave意思 在 姐死姐還在 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 聯絡HR,問同事R仲有幾多大假(Annual Leave)可以扣
2. 同事R如日後交嘅醫生紙唔係香港醫生開,係咪應該當No Paid Leave,唔當病假
3. 叫同事R估計放幾耐
4. 問同事R點安排工作
5. 大庭廣眾地講:「個病名咁得意嘅?」
1. 奴寵物跌親隻腳都要人show sympathy,你作為上司,最關心嘅係工作安排,Annual leave 係唔係可以扣,當No Paid Leave定當病假。人性何在?
2. 你係上司,你係高級,但你人格係最最低等個級。「個病名咁得意嘅?」,「估計放幾耐」,呢D係人講架咩?
《呀姐問我:點解你sick leave?》
● 請得SL,就預左呀姐要搵SL個原因出來。呀姐又好似世衛陳馮富珍上身,誓要搵到個病源。
● 佢當然唔係想搵到病因,再提供治療良方畀你啦。佢係想你唔好意思,以及勸籲你以後唔好病。
● SL完第二日返工,呀姐就要同你落口供。最好你prepare 埋PowerPoint, present返你SL嘅成因,病徵,最後係有咩learning,下次點樣唔病。「呀姐,成個案法經過係咁嘅,前晚OT完,12點鐘上床訓,我開左冷氣,因為我冇用條橡筋褲箍住件睡衣,冷親個肚所以病。下次我會用條橡筋褲箍住件睡衣訓架啦。」
其實SL 只有兩個原因:
1. 真病
2. 假病
● 永遠都唔明點解呀姐咁智障都做到呀姐,佢覺得自己好精明,只要質問個員工「點解sick leave」,你就會改過自新,唔再SL。
● 咪玩啦,如果我真病,我只會覺得條氣唔順。如果我假病去玩去見工,呃得你,我點會有悔意。
● 作為呀姐,相信一個員工SL真係病,就好似要相信個老公冇去滾一樣。你老公同你講「冇去滾係呃你架,我日日放工都叫完雞先返」,佢咁誠實你會唔會開心左?同樣,我好誠實話「呃你架,我鬼打都冇咁精神,我SL去見工呀」,你會唔會開心跳起yeah?
● SL 唔做野是常識吧?「 你SL 點解唔check email,屋企check到email 架」。真係從來都唔知我咁重要,唔check email ,我個mail box係唔係會好似人體爆炸咁炸親你?SL要做野,咪有得sick 冇得leave?
● 「D 野佢跟開架,SL 好唔負責任」。SL 個日又唔係幫手喎,SL完又係我做返哂D野,有幾唔負責任?
● 「我病都唔會SL架」,真係唔明點解呀姐會為自己咁戇鳩嘅行為引以自豪。咳到好似肺結核咁,照返工運用中央冷氣傳播細菌,係唔係要讚你叻仔?我讀幼稚園生水痘,我仲惹到全間幼稚園九成小朋友都生水痘,用我呀姐個邏輯,老師點解唔讚我叻?
● 「你睇完醫生好返來啦...」呀姐好正,只要我畀醫生睇一野,就好架啦,又可以回復正常。地鐵信號故障都幾個鐘先回復正常啦。
● 「Mary 做左3年都冇病過呀,大家要同佢學習下...」,點樣可以學習「唔好病」?Mary 多得你唔少,因為我地唔會學Mary,只會憎Mary點解唔請SL。
● 「你放左一日假架囉喎,點解仲未好返?」呀姐見你SL 完仲咳緊,佢又覺得唔抵得,呀姐,你估個醫生係哈利波特咩,唸句咒語就好返。
幾時開始,公司D呀哥呀姐變得咁刻薄,日日早返遲放OT,weekend叫你唔好玩創個心,下星期又輪迴咁早返遲放OT,日做夜做又唔畀病。一SL就係偷懶,一SL 就係「你地D年青人真係唔捱得」。
點解呀哥呀姐覺得「刻薄員工」係一種成就,將心比己,唔好日日用「對Erwiana 嘅態度」對你嘅下屬啦,你都曾經係「下屬」來架。
paid leave意思 在 學英文吧 Youtube 的最讚貼文
「我下午休假哦」 英文怎麼說?
那 "特休”、"病假“ 、"事假“ 的英文怎麼說?
還有美國人在公司要休假會說的縮寫 PTO,是什麼意思呢?
Duncan 跟我們聊美國的休假文化,結果我們發現,
美國的法定特休居然是 xx 天~跟我們原本想的不大一樣 XD,
快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
I'm taking the afternoon off. / I took the afternoon off.
I'm taking tomorrow off./ I'm taking the day off tomorrow.
days/leave 這兩個字可以替換
vacation days
sick days
personal leave
請一個小時 Take off an hour
PTO = Paid Time Off 有薪水的休假
學英文吧網站 https://ivybar.com.tw/?c=3
或追蹤 iVY BAR 學英文吧的 IG,上面圖文版 podcast 複習也很棒喔!https://pse.is/39vede
現在我們也有影音版的 Podcast 實境秀喔 https://pse.is/3ahupl
paid leave意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone.
今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel
就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費, 即是21.5港元 Internet cafe, 300 yen membership fee, which is 21.5 HKD
過夜一晚, 我選擇住了九個小時, 2145 Yen連税, 即是174HKD Overnight, I chose to stay for nine hours, 2145 Yen with tax, which is 174HKD
加起來200HKD有找, 住在札幌狸小路市中心一晚 Stay one night in downtown Sapporo Tanukikoji for less than 200HKD
其實我機場附近是有酒店住的,不過我在狸小路如果行到得太夜返酒店 In fact, I stayed in hotel near the airport, but I traveled quite late at Tanukikoji
在狸小路一帶, 其實最少有五、六間網吧可以給大家選擇 In Tanukikoji, there are actually at least five or six Internet cafes for you to choose from.
我上了三間, 最後選擇了一間在狸小路4丁目入面 I went to 3 internet cafes, and finally chose one at the 4th street of Tanukikoji.
24小時開放的驚安之殿堂隔離, 半夜肚餓還可以留下有幾間便利店 Next to 24-hour open Donki n a few convenience stores downstairs of this internet cafe
網絡咖啡室,簡稱網咖,在90年代興起,在日本已經非常普遍, Internet cafes have emerged in the 1990s and have become very common in Japan.
香港人身嬌肉貴, 好少會到網吧過夜, 不過我覺得這些都是日本生活體驗之一 HK pals are rarely overnight in Internet cafes, but I think these are one of the Japanese life experiences
狸小路酒店收費最平三百多HKD都有 There are hotels charge 300plus in HKD at Tanukikoji
不過網吧收費還要平一半 However, Internet cafe charges are still half price cheaper
而且它有最少三個小時的收費,假如你女人去附近shopping And it has a charge of at least 3 hours, if your woman goes shopping nearby
男士們就可以上來這間網吧休息一下,一邊等 Men can come to this internet cafe and rest while waiting
所以不一定要來這裏過夜的, 但是網吧24小時營業, So not a must to stay overnight, but Internet cafes are open 24 hours,
任何時間想去都可以, 不用做booking, 話上就上 No need to book in advance, u can come here at anytime
我拍片回來給大家看看, 等大家窮遊的時候又多一個選擇 I just want to show u more option for budget travel
這種網吧的形式, 幾乎全日本都是這樣做法 This format of Internet cafe is widely used in almost all in Japan.
我廿幾歲的時候, 曾經上過台灣網吧過夜 I overnight an internet cafe in Taiwan when I was 20 something
亦去過其他國家的網吧, 但是沒有過夜 Also visited Internet cafes in other countries, but did not stay overnight
食落真是非常之好味喎, 入面除了有一塊豚肉之外 Very yummy with the pork inside
還有相當多的醬料, 味道一流 Taste is superb with different sauces inside
這裏上網嘅速度, 亦都好快, 睡不著可以睇片打機都得 The internet speed here is also very fast. If you can't sleep, many things to entertain.
到你check out之後, 亦可以行一行驚安之殿堂 After you check out, you can also go to the Donki next door
我就在驚安買了一對鞋墊, 非常之舒服透氣 I bought these insoles in Donki very comfortable and breathable.
因為我還有好多地方要去, 大家睇完我條片之後 As I had many places to go that day
以後去北海道, 就可以更加精明消費 Going to Hokkaido in the future can make smarter consumption after watching my video
網吧的運作收費模式, 全日本通用 Internet cafe operating formats are similar throughout Japan
昨天我跟一班junior傾計, 有個junior話 Yesterday I talked with my juniors, one said:
援交女part time girlfriend post上網 Part time girlfriend post online
話一是给錢、一是给口罩找數, 一篤一個口罩 Customers can either pay in cash or in surgical(anti virus) mask
我當然不知是什麼意思啦, 不過我平日都有睇新聞 I don't clearly know how they charge. But I've heard from news somehow
我就問番佢, 咁顏射幾多個口罩呀?成班junior笑到死下死下 Then I asked him back for how many masks do they charge bukkake? The juniors LMAO.
非常時期要注意個人衛生, 召妓這麼埋身肉搏的活動 Attention should be paid to personal hygiene during recent times.
大家都時要注意健康啦, 我在這裏講這些,都是開下玩笑輕鬆下啫 Everyone must pay attention to your well-being, I am just joking for saying BS here for relax.
睇咗當去咗, 又可以和朋友同事親戚多個話題 DO u enjoy my video tour? Share with people u know for more topics.
記得按通知制, 睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Remember to press the notification bell, leave an emoji to show support before u leave
功德無量, 我們下一條片再見,88 Thx a million n with that said until next time.88!
paid leave意思 在 「休假、請假、放假」英文怎麼說?一次搞懂leave、day off 的必吃
一次搞懂leave、day off、vacation的中文意思! 休假的英文是leave,有薪假是paid leave ,年假則是annual leave。還有一種請假、休假 ... ... <看更多>